The Charter of the Missing Things
The Charter of the Missing Things was handed over to the City of Graz for further implementation in the district - and in the City of Graz.
The Missing Things have been collected in various events since spring 2020 and expanded during the 3rd World Congress of the Missing Things: Enriched through performances (by the Kapellknaben and Kapellmädchen, under the direction of Edith Draxl) and dérives in Waltendorf for exploring hidden poetic moments in the area of the Eisteich-Siedlung from the 1960s, the participants of this non-hierarchical congress contributed still existing qualities as missing things in current urban planning driven predominantly by the profit of investors. |
Information on NORMAL
Partner of transparadiso: Michael Petrowitsch (Graz, A) Projects for NORMAL by: public works (London, GB), orizzontale (Rome, I), Georg Winter / TanzPflanzPlan AG (Saarbrücken, D) Partner institutions: HdA Graz/ House of Architecture Forum Stadtpark Media partner: dérive In collaboration with: The Graz Districts: Andritz, Walten-dorf, Liebenau, Wetzelsdorf and local organizations in the districts A project for the Graz Culture Year 2020: GRAZ 2020 Final exhibition: Forum Stadtpark Opening: Aug.31, 7 pm Exhibition: Sept.1-15, 2021 NORMAL - catalog #1: catalog for download NORMAL - catalog #2: will be publsihed in Oct., 2021 |
The Third World Congress of the Missing Things: NORMAL (for engl. please scroll down) Der Third World Congress of the Missing Things ist ein Projekt von transparadiso für NORMAL im Rahmen des Kulturjahrs Graz 2020 31.07.-01.08.2021 Ort: Pfarre St.Paul, Parkplatz/ Eisteichsiedlung, Dr.Robert-Graf-Straße 40a, Graz/ Waltendorf Sa, 31.07.2021, 13:00-18:00: Kongress mit Performance und dérive So, 01.08.2021, 11:00-17:00: Kongress 17:00-18:00: Schlussakt: mit Übergabe der „Charter of the Missing Things“ an Kulturstadtrat Günter Riegler Hier ist das detaillierte Programm. Was ist normal? Normalität kann aus der Perspektive von KünstlerInnen und urban practitioners etwas ganz Anderes bedeuten als für jene Teile der Bevölkerung, die von zunehmender Furcht vor beruflichen Nachteilen aufgrund von der "Norm" abweichenden Verhaltens oder einfach von Ressentiments oder Neid ihrer NachbarInenn geprägt sind. Wenn diese verschiedenen Normailtäten aufeinandertreffen, kann ihnen durch spezielle künstlerische Settings Raum gegeben werden, in dem eine produktive Kraft entsteht, die dominante Zuschreibungen von "Normalität" aufbricht. Was normal ist, wird insbesondere durch das Feedback unserer Mitmenschen definiert. Aber wessen Meinung halten wir für relevant? Was als normal empfunden wird, ist in Bewegung; es verändert sich im Laufe der zeit entsprechend der Entwicklung der Gesellschaft. Beiträge zum Third World Congress of the Missing Things Da das Thema "normal" durch die aktuelle Situation eine neue Dimension erfahren hat, haben wir beschlossen, auch internationale Beiträge zum Kongress einzuladen - über den spezifischen Kontext von Graz und den Bezirk Waltendorf, in dem der Kongress stattfinden wird, hinaus. _Was stellen Sie sich als zukünftiges "normal" vor, in Ihrer Nachbarschaft, in Ihrem Bezirk, In Europa, in der Gesellschaft? _Welche Werte für eine inklusivere Gesellschaft möchten Sie als neues "Normal" vorschlagen? _Welche poetischen Momente wollen wir wieder im Alltag etablieren? _Wie und was können wir der Anforderung von Effizienz und Erfolg entgegnen? Schicken Sie uns Ihre Beiträge zu "normal" für den Third World Congress of the Missing Things: [email protected] Weitere Informationen zu NORMAL: :::::::::::::::::::::::: The Third World Congress of the Missing Things will take place in Graz (A) as part of NORMAL - a project by transparadiso for the Graz Culture Year 2020. July 31 –Aug.01, 2021 Location: Parish St.Paul, parking lot/ Eisteichsiedlung, Dr.Robert-Graf-Straße 40a, Graz/ Waltendorf Sat, July 31, 1-6 pm: congress with performance and dérive Sun, Aug 01, 11 am -5 pm: congress 5-6 pm: closing ceremony: handing over the „Charter of the Missing Things“ to Günter Riegler (City Councillor for Culture) Here is the detailled program. For more information on NORMAL please see: What is normal? Normality from the perspective of artists and urban practitioners can mean something quite different from what it means for those parts of the population marked by increasing fear of career disadvantages due to deviant behavior or simply resentment or envy from their neighbors. When these different normalities collide, they can be given space through special artistic settings thus creating a productive force that breaks up the dominant form of normality. What is normal is particularly defined by the feedback of our fellow human beings. Who do we ask for an assessment? Whose opinion do we find relevant? What is perceived as normal is in motion; it changes over time according to the development of society. Contributions to The Third World Congress of the Missing Things: NORMAL Since the topic "normal" gained a new dimension due to the recent situation, we decided to invite also international contributions to the congress - beyond the specific context of Graz and the district of Waltendorf, where the congress will take place: _What do you envision as a future "normal", in your neighborhood, your district, in Europe, in society? _Which values for an inclusive society would you like to put forward as a new "normal"? _What poetic moments do we want to re-establish in everyday life? _How and what can we counter the demand for efficiency and success? Please send us your contributions to: [email protected] .............................................................................................................................................................................. We published a first video for NORMAL: Ö1/ Reparatur der Zukunft.
NORMAL was awarded a prize by Vienna's Business Agency for "Creatives for Vienna". |
Oct.2-4, 2020: Tour with the artists and the Indikatormobil (our urban resarch vehicle) to the sites and presentation of their projects: Please see the program here. Exhibition: HdA/ House of Architecture, Graz Jan.27- Feb.24, 2021 Realization of the projects in the 4 districts: March - July 2021 Urban periphery hikes: July. 2022: connecting the 4 districts at the periphery and conceiving a new hike trail. |